Monday, January 26, 2009

Welcome! (And all that other cr@p)

Why is it when someone starts a new blog, they seem obligated to write an introductory entry to discuss who they are or why they're writing?

If you know who I am, you know what I'm into. If you happen to stumble across this, well, keep up with the jokes.

I write this for my own amusement, my most successful therapy is venting and with the downfall of USENET, I will occasionally write a blog. I had one for awhile on a lesser-known blog site, but I figured I'd move it here in case there were any masochistic folks with too much time on their own hands that might be entertained or amused by my venting. Other than that, this is about nothing. It will be about as interesting as watching Connecticut Shade leaf dry.

All posts prior to this one were written for the old blog.

That being said....

Welcome to My Blog!

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