Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Credit to The Godfather

I didn't write this, I'm just repeating it.

Chief Justice John Roberts said today: "I would hope that a wise White man, with the richness of his experience, would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a Latina woman who hasn't lived that life."

What a racist pig.

Ooooops. My bad. Actually the quote if from Justice Sonia Sotomayor, nominee to the Supreme Court of the United States. She said:

"I would hope that a wise Latina woman, with the richness of her experience, would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

If one statement is racist, isn't the other one? Yeah, let's see whether or not Katie Couric brings *that* up. (Or the New York Times, Washington Post, yada yada yada)

Racism is racism.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

What's Wrong with this Picture?

Sometimes something just strikes you funny.

My beverage of choice these days is a fine pour of a Guiness draft. When that's not available, I return to my old standby, Heineken.

This afternoon I was seated at the bar of an upscale Irish Pub, the kind that has a multitude of fine imported beers on draft. (Or as we used to call it in New Yawk, "on tap")

I recall years ago having a discussion with a bar manager over the price of one of his beers. There was a big chalk sign behind the bar which read, "All Domestic Drafts, $2.00." I was then of course shocked when the bartender charged me $4.50 for a Killian's Irish Red. I engaged the bar manager, who plainly stated that Killian's was a premium import. For some reason I failed to convince him that Golden, Colorado was located within the bounds of the United States, and was thus not an "import." Ultimately, the sign was changed to read, "All Domestic Drafts, $2.00 (except Killian's)."

So today, I was enjoying a fine pint of Guiness when three tourists sauntered up to the bar to sample the wares. They looked at the pipes (the industry term for the beers available on draft) and nothing seemed to meet their needs. Finally, the bartender said this, and I quote:

"We also have many domestic beers in bottles, we have Corona, Corona Light, Heineken, Heineken Light and many others."

I smiled, said nothing, and finished my drink. Sometimes life is just funny.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Heroes II - My Heroes

It's been an impressive past 7 days.

District All-star; Most Valuable Player; National Honor Society inductee. She's my hero.

The other one?

Yesterday became Airman Basic. Sworn to support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies foreign and domestic, so help him god. When you consider this is a time of war, voluntary enlistment is pretty heroic.

They're my heroes.